If your asking about discount or price negotiation, don't worry we are more than happy to assist you with this.
CUSTOMER COUPON DETAILS COUPON CODE: IRT8HO58KJC2 *{Code can only be used on Website during Check Out}
FURTHER DISCOUNT DETAILS Please send us an email to
outlining your request along with your payment method
{PayPal,Western Union,Money Gram,Bank of America,Zelle,Cash
App,Stripe,Jamaica Money Market Brokers JMMB,National Commercial Bank
NCB or Cashplus Bank}
PRICE NEGOTIATION Please send an email to
outlining your request along with your payment method
{PayPal,Western Union,Bank of America,Zelle,Cash App,Money
Gram,Stripe,Jamaica Money Market Brokers JMMB,National Commercial Bank
NCB or Cashplus Bank}.NB: Not applicable to pawn-loan.